May 24 is one of our most glorious national fêtes – the Day of the Bulgarian Alphabet, Education and Culture, the day of our alphabet and the written word – symbols of the fortitude, resilience and aspiration of the Bulgarian spirit and of our everlasting national identity.
The Bulgarian alphabet is an indisputable contribution of medieval Bulgaria to world civilization. It gives reason to be proud and confident of what associates so many nations with the strong spirit of the script, with the Bulgarian letters that reflect our unique cultural code, wisdom, experience and knowledge of our people as accumulated over the centuries.
The role of the script and writings was undeniable in the effort to save the Bulgarian statehood and to uphold it in crucial times in history and to consolidate it throughout the centuries.
The Bulgarian alphabet is the greatest promise for the eternity and the immortality of our nation. The Bulgarian alphabet gives us hope that our people and state, in addition to a glorious past, will have a glorious future and that the Bulgarian writings and our unique cultural heritage will live forever.
That is why in a world where cultural boundaries and identities are diffused, we must fight for the letters and education, for our language and for the salvation of our national identity.
Felicitations on the fête!