Prime Minister Boyko Borissov met with the leaders of Denmark, Sweden, the Netherlands and Austria - Prime Ministers Mette Frederiksen, Stefan Löfven, Mark Rutte and Chancellor Sebastian Kurz.
Romanian President Klaus Iohannis also participated in the talks. The focus of the meeting was put on the negotiations on the new EU budget. The Bulgarian Prime Minister took the position that in order to reach an agreement on the Multiannual Financial Framework for the period 2021-2027, reasonable compromises should be made in the name of a better future, sustainable development, EU competitiveness and the elimination of inequalities within the framework of the the European family.
"EU funds are the engine that helps us move faster. In this context, traditional policies such as Cohesion and Common Agricultural policies continue to be extremely important along with the new European goals - innovation, competitiveness, high technology," said Prime Minister Boyko Borissov.
„Средствата от ЕС са двигателят, който ни помага да се движим по-бързо напред. В този контекст традиционните политики като Кохезионната и Общата селскостопанска продължават да бъдат изключително значими наравно с новите европейски цели – иновации, конкурентоспособност, високи технологии“, отбеляза министър-председателят Бойко Борисов.